Your home swimming pool can be useful for more than just the occasional quick dip on a hot day with your friends and family.

It can also serve as your home gym, and a springboard to a much happier and healthier life.

Exercise doesn’t need to be expensive; you don’t need a gym membership or personal trainer to get healthy.

Studies have found that even a 20 minute swim once a day can help to reduce the risk of developing a chronic illness.

Swimming has been shown to have the following benefits:

It’s Anti-Aging

While it may not reduce your wrinkle lines, swimming has been proven to reduce your risk of dying by nearly 50%!

Increases Flexibility

Swimming is known as one of the best ways to increase flexibility, with some rheumatologists praising swimming for its ability to increase a person’s range of motion and increase their physical activity in a low impact way.

Helps to Reduce Asthma Symptoms

Swimming, like many other exercises actually helps to increase the individual’s lung capacity as it forces your body to work overtime giving your lungs a good workout. A study conducted by The Children’s Exercise and Nutrition Centre at McMaster University found that, “Swimming as a training modality has definite benefits for the patient with asthma. These include an increase in aerobic fitness and a decrease in asthma morbidity.”

Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes

Did you know that when you exercise your blood glucose level actually decreases? The University at Maryland found that, “Aerobic exercise and resistance training, alone or in combination, improves blood sugar control in patients with type 2 diabetes.”

Improve Your Mental Health!

A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that water based exercise actually improves your mental health and mood in both women and men. Swimming can also improve the health of babies in utero and individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Lose Weight!

Just 1 hours’ worth of low intensity swimming can burn upwards of 500 calories! So just in the pool feeling guilt free about that extra serving of dessert you had last night.


However, without some form of pool heating swimming year round is not an option; especially on those chilly Melbourne mornings. By installing Solar Pool Heating you can enjoy a great cardio work out without even leaving the home for most of the year.

Give Boss Solar a call on 1300 786 489 or email us at [email protected] and let us advise you on the best solar pool heating system for you!